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About exploring Life as it is!
... is it Worth?
Published on February 8, 2005 By
Perfection – How would we define it?
As per the popular belief – Perfection is something, which has every element in its proper place and proper amount, such that nothing is more or less than requierd. That is a general definition of Perfection. This brings us to the conclusion that Perfection is something that doesn’t require any further modification, in any sense, which means Perfection, is something that will not to change. Because to change means either to spoil it or make it better, but how can it be made better if it is already perfect and to spoil is never the objective. We then are left with a thought that Perfection does not Change.
But according to the Universal Law of Existence – Change is an inevitable part of the Existence. Which means every element in the existence has to undergo Change from time to time in order to remain as the part of the existence. Our life is an example of this fact. Nothing in our life is constant, even the most personal thing of ours – i.e. Our Thoughts.
How then can Perfection go along with the Nature’s Law? It doesn’t. A State Of Perfection if it doesn’t change with time will soon become outdated and imperfect. Now, One would wonder - the System Of Perfection to be so designed that it changes along with time such that the system updates itself time to time and maintains its State Of Perfection at all point of time. Quite possible, we would like to believe. But doesn’t this mean that the System Of Perfection is solely dependant on the Universal Law of Existence to maintain its State Of Perfection.
This raises another question to us – How can a System that contradicts the Universal Law be dependant on the same Universal Law. Perfection is that which doesn’t require Change and the Universal Law dictates that Change is inevitable. Nature by itself will not have two Laws that would contradict each other, more so still be dependant on each other. The whole of Existence cannot be based on laws that negate each other or nullify each other. This would create Chaos in the Existence, which is not the case. Entire Existence functions as a smooth process. We can thereby conclude that Perfection is not a Law Of Nature, which in turn means it is a derivative of Human Mind – the only other being that can conceive a Concept.
Perfection is then merely a Concept of Human Mind. But no two minds think alike. So the Concept Of Perfection of one would not be similar to that of others. The Concept is likely to differ from person to person and in the domains of minds there is no inequality. No mind is superior or inferior to another mind. How then can a decision be reached as to what is truly the Criteria for Perfection. There simply cannot be a stable Concept Of Perfection, which would be common throughout existence. Then, to strive for Perfection is like going on an endless journey that doesn’t have a destination.
Is it Worth then…?
On second thought, there is only one thing that can truly satisfy the Criteria Of Perfection - One that is beyond the Nature’s Law – the Nature itself. Nature is the only part of the existence, which doesn’t undergo change. Neither its laws have changed nor its functionality. So Nature alone is Perfect in the whole of existence. And Nature of consists of beings – both livings and non-livings. In that case, every element of existence including us along with all our imperfections, contribute to the Perfection of the Existence. Even though Perfection is a concept derived from our Mind, we may never attain Perfection, but our imperfection is what makes Nature Perfect.
Shouldn’t that make us proud?
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